Reflections on Privacy: Beth and Claire

C: Personally I’ve always been very private online, I’m not super engaged with online social media profiles. I’ve never really been into posting about relationships.
B: I agree, I am also pretty private online, and have always assumed that the people I am actually close to will know what is happening with regards to my relationships or work or school.
We have both used our privacy to make sure only approved people can access our online profiles.
B: For me the issue of privacy is less related to unwanted views from people I don’t know or maybe don’t like, it is more about how my information is being exploited or how I am being survielled by online collections companies.
C: Different apps have had issues with privacy and content being extrapolated without permission, does this affect what communication apps you use? I know that whatsapp is encrypted front to back.
B: Yes! I do use whatsapp, mostly to connect with friends living abroad, but now that I know its super private I will use it for all of my shady dealings. JK. What about you, what measures do you take to protect your privacy, or what are your preferred apps?
C: I also use whatsapp, and snapchat, and if my facebook profile is totally private, nobody can contact me or view anything without my approval. I do feel that I have enough privacy, but it helps that I don’t have that much content to begin with.
B: I feel the same about social media because I also do not have much content online, but am still unsure as to how much of my other private information, such as communicating via text or email, banking etc is actually private and safe. I have the disconcerting feeling that it is in no way private! 

C: We are too eager to put our trust into apps without reading the fine print. If my information is being taken from me I don’t see it because I have adblock, but there is nothing you can do about websites or apps taking cookies from your computer.
B: Yeah, I just realized what a cookie is the other day and it thoroughly freaked me out! 


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