Beyoncé discovers that mothers are sexual

While being curious about the essay on gender equity by Beyoncé, I was more keenly drawn to Beyoncé’s video “4. Liberation” at the bottom of the post. I’m immediately hooked by her comment “just because you become a mother doesn’t mean you loose who you are” and then by her ability to speak honestly about the work it takes to get her focus, her dreams, and herself “back” after becoming a mother. She confesses that the time making her self-titled and newly released album Beyoncé was an “escape” where she could create her own world and fantasize about her life before she was caring for an infant child.

Proud of losing the 60 pounds of weight she gained during her pregnancy, she asserts that “you can have a child, and you can work hard, and you can get your body back”. She also speaks honestly about how getting back into her body helped her find her sensuality. She’s proud of growing up through her experiences of pregnancy, birth and mothering, and says that it’s important to her to express this in her video. Like other women, Beyoncé believes “You can have your child, and still have fun, and still be sexy, and still have dreams, and still live for yourself”. The clip ends with her saying that she has “no shame in being sexual … because I believe that sexuality is a power that we all have”.

I couldn’t agree more. Thanks Beyoncé for sharing this insight with the rest of us.


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