and so this was Christmas: light and dark

How many Christmas times do we get in our lives–only one a year. So a limited number! I feel regretful to feel relieved this one is over. It should be a milestone to celebrate. And here I am admitting to wanting to get through it and past it . Not so good.

When our kids are young and little, winter holiday times are like the Christmas tree–we can decorate the days to our hearts’ content. We can go to as many concerts and events as we like, and really make something of it. There are magical nutcrackers, villages for Santa, dancing deer. When they are older and more cynical and world weary, the animation freezes, magic leaves and many of the doors are shut.

Of course there are other ways to celebrate. Of course, the best antidote is as always to find ways to to turn your hands to doing for others. But I think it’s a good idea before switching expectations and actions to reflect on loss as well as gain, to have a real sense of what time passing and holidays mean rather than rushing to save the day with brittle busy optimism.


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