what you think and know about the move to gender neutral

Dearest FFF:
Thank you for your thoughtful words. I LOVE the phrase same and different–for everything, actually (although generated to explain postmodern creativity). Our experiences are so much the same and different too.

Thanks also for the book reference in particular–must fetch it!. I think for me the point that I take from your comments is the reminder that rather than rushing to harsh self judgement, one must see what one does in its positive potential. Caring too much has a down side, but may also open windows! Yes, yes! ( I am not a traditional person, but find I turn the light of traditional or conventional norms on myself all the time. This– I am starting to see–may be an Interesting strategy for always having a little sting on hand!!)

Here is another troublesome thing I have caught myself at–long story short, an adult child friend of a daughter’s was living at home at age 30, working, not paying rent, and I had nerve to offer comment re “time to leave!” But the larger more interesting point here is that as a society we will begin[have begun!] making these smug judgments about parental strategies and parameters–how much help is too much? what is encouraging "proper" independence?

Remember that fluff movie several season ago called "failure to launch." –as a phrase embedded in our pop discourse, it reveals standards and judgments. Yes, if there is a boundary (standard/judgement) there needs to be some fluidity!!

for now, ss
(ps–bully for us making it thru 70000 ways to divide up the #18–remember??)


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