privacy as a moving target
It's hard not to think about privacy online as resembling privacy in our day to day lives. If we can make such a connection, then we can also realize that our sense of privacy has changed and developed with cultural winds and trends. Whereas 100 years ago, individuals guarded a lot of information as private, in earlier ages there was more willingness and acceptance of group share. McLuhan says that with the printing press we heightened our sense of individuality --started to live in insulated shell selves. Before that we were part of a tribe, in a village, and we accepted a life of open sharing. If this is true, then "privacy" is in no way a solid concept, but a moving construct, always changing how it is understood and practiced.
We currently do not observe the same sense of boundaries as we have in other times. The standards move in time, across place.
We currently do not observe the same sense of boundaries as we have in other times. The standards move in time, across place.
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