online backlash when parents overshare

Rules for writing and posting on the internet is a work on progress, and parents have no manual to guide them in making decisions about appropriate sharing pictures and information about their kids. On the bright side, other parents who are part of social media communications are willing to offer their comments and criticisms. If they think someone overshares, they will weigh in to say so. On the darker side, some of this criticism gets mean and judgmental. The STFU website has been accused of encouraging mean spirited criticism of parents who post about kids, even to the point of discouraging some parents from feeling it’s safe to say anything about parenting related matters xoJane.

We need negotiations and discussions about community practices, but we also need a climate of respect. If online communities are a work in progress, finding a way to keep the discussion open and supportive of parents is still a goal to work for.


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