Making a Long leap from blogging to Ted talking

Recently a mom blogger wrote a post that ended up going viral about her mentally unstable son that compared him to a serial killer.( He is so violent and uncontrollable, she argue, that he might eventually hurt or even kill someone. Her description of her attempts to take care of him courted empathy. Yet, all things considered, her betrayal of her son’s trust is breathtaking. In perpetuity, he is depicted by his own mother on the internet as an unstable and dangerous person. This is like having a permanent and public record. Did this mom blogger want to help others dealing with their violent children, and hurt her son inadvertently? Or did she write the post eyes wide open, in hopes of cultivating mass readership and possible sponsorship? A year later she was able to revisit the topic ( and develop another high profile post about the issue of loss and luck that ravages the lives of parents attempting to support children with mood, anger, and mental health problems. See below Long is pictured giving an educative Ted talk.



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