
Showing posts from 2020

We're Moving!

  We’re moving from mommy bloglines to family bloglines! Find us at    Renovation and Invitation:   About US : Exploring ethics and privacy matters influencing family life and practices. Exploring how the internet/social media enables and disables dreams, daily practices, and relationships.  Who’s watching? Who’s talking? How much time are we spending/wasting?   Now that many of us have gone home again in these days of Covid-19, have we been assisted by social media or become more reliant on it? Have we leaned or caved in? Is authenticity now something we think of as a curated rather than lived quality?   About YOU : We want guest bloggers: we [might] want YOU!   Please contact us to pitch ideas for one- two- three – paragraph op eds that take up issues that arise when family  members go online.

Starting Over

As the current social media climate that is given to concerns about Covid-19, anti-racism protests and police violence and reform rages around us, we are returning to our blog to think of how these matters influence families and their online presence and privacy. In the following months we plan to canvass the question of which  voices matter and how social media and technology silences, vails, exposes, and even exploits, various voices and positions.  Deciding on the tone for our blog, and on our relationship of authorship and authority is the first thing we want to consider. Who's talking on line and who's listening?