
Jaqueline McLeod Rogers


Two Sides to a Story: Gender in the Narrative Practices of University- and Elementary-Level Writers. Winnipeg: Inkshed Publications, 1997, 1-150.


McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline and Catherine G. Taylor. Across the Disciplines: Academic Writing and Reading. Toronto: Pearson, 2011. 470pp.

Journal Articles:

McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline and Fiona Joy Green. (2015) “Mommy Blogging and Deliberative Dialogical Ethics: Being in the Ethical Moment” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative Research and Community Involvement. Spring/Summer  Volume 6 (1):31-49. 


McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline. “Make Room for the Internet: Moms and Teen Daughters” in Harlot: a Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion: Special Issue: Technology and the Family. No. 6 (2011) Online. 18 pp.

McLeod [Rogers], Jaqueline. “Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Ethnography,” Ethnologies 32.1 (2010): 197-216.

McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline. “Finding Words,” Writing on the Edge: On Writing and Teaching Writing, (UC: Davis) 2008: 69-78.

Book Chapters:

McLeod Rogers, J. “Old[er] Women Writing Teachers Learning New[er] Technologies: Teaching and Trusting.” In Web 2.0.Applications for First year Composition Assignments. Claire Lutkewitte, ed. Texas: Fountainhead Press, 2012. Chapter 2, 9-26.

McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline. “Helping Students to Make Sense with The Sunflower Narrative: Experience and Memory, Change and Truth,” Revisiting the Past through Rhetorics of Memory and Amnesia. Dale Sullivan, Russell Hirst and Bruce Maylath eds. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, November 2010: 133-144.

McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline. “Grace After Pressure,” in Marjorie Anderson and Carol Shields Eds. Dropped Threads: What We Aren’t Told. Random/Vintage Canada, January 2001.

Fiona Joy Green


McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline and Fiona Joy Green. (2015) “Mommy Blogging and Deliberative Dialogical Ethics: Being in the Ethical Moment” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative Research and Community Involvement. Spring/Summer  Volume 6 (1):31-49.

Co-Edited Books:

Green, Fiona Joy and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers, editors. Mothering/Internet/Kids, Demeter Press, forthcoming 2022. 


O’Reilly, Andrea and Fiona Joy Green, editors. Mothers, Mothering and COVID-19: Reflections from a Pandemic. Demeter Press, forthcoming March 2021. 

Contributions to Books:

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Mothering.” Routledge Motherhood Companion edited by Lynn O’Brien Hallstein, Andrea O’Reilly, and Melinda Vandenbeld Giles, Routledge, 2020, pp. 36-50. 


Green, Fiona Joy and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers. “When Story Time is Over: Mothering Adult Children by Practicing Productive Silence” in Middle Grounds: Essays on Midlife Mothering edited by Kathy Mantas and Lorinda Peterson, 2018, pp. 253-272. Demeter Press. Print.


Green, Fiona Joy. (2015) “Re-Conceptualising Motherhood: Reaching Back to Move Forward” Journal of Family Studies. Special Issue: Motherhood, Feminisms and the Future. Vol. 21 (3): 196-207. Print.

Journal Articles:

Green, Fiona Joy. “Practicing Matricentric Feminist Mothering.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, vol. 10, no.1&2, 2019, pp. 83-99. 


Green, Fiona Joy. “Empowering Mothers and Daughters through Matroreform and Feminist Motherlines. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative Research and Community Involvement, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018, pp. 9-20.


Green, Fiona J., and Gary Lee Pelletier (Eds.) (2015). Essential Breakthroughs: Conversations about Men, Mothers, and Mothering. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, Print.   

Green, Fiona J., and May Friedman (Eds.) (2013). Chasing Rainbows: Gender Fluid Parenting Practices. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, Print.

Edginton-Green, Liam, Barry Edginton and Fiona J. Green. (2013) “Our Fluid Family: Expression, Engagement and Feminism” in Fiona Joy Green and May Friedman (Eds.) Chasing Rainbows: Gender Fluid Parenting Practices. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, 183-196. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2011). Practicing Feminist Mothering. Winnipeg: Arbeiter Ring Publishing. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2011) “Empowering First-Time Mothers: The Feminist Coping with Change Maternal Health Promotion Program” in Andrea O’Reilly (Ed.) The 21st Century Motherhood Movement: Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, pp. 336-345. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2008) “Feminist Motherline: Embodied knowledge/s of feminist mothering” in Andrea O’Reilly (Ed). Feminist Mothering. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 161-176. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2008). “Matroreform: Feminist Mothers and Their Daughters Creating Feminist Motherlines” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering, Mothers and Daughters. Volume 10 (2):11-21. Print. Green, Fiona J. (2006) “Developing a Feminist Motherline: Reflections on a decade of feminist parenting” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering. 8 (1&2):7-20. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2005) “Feminist Mothering: Challenging Gender Inequality by Resisting the Institution of Motherhood and Raising Children to be Critical Agents of Social Change” Socialist Studies 1(1):83-99. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2003) “What’s Love Got To Do With It? A personal reflection on the Role of maternal love in feminist teaching”. Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering. 5 (2):47-56. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (1999) “Living Feminism through Mothering”. Journal for the Association of Research on Mothering. 1 (1):99-104. Print.

Mothers Under Surveillance:

Green, Fiona J. (2012) “Moms under Surveillance: Noticing and Challenging the Idea of Legitimate Mothers” in Andrea O’Reilly (Ed) What Moms Need: Motherhood Activists and Scholars Speak Out on Maternal Empowerment for the 21st Century. Toronto: Demeter Press, pp. 21-34. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2012). “Real(ity) TV Practices of surveillance: Evaluating mothers in Supernanny and Crash Test Mommy” in Elizabeth Podnieks (Ed.) Mediating Moms: Mothering in Popular Culture, McGill-Queen’s Press, pp. 86-109. Print.

Green, Fiona J. (2007) “Supernanny: Disciplining Mothers through a Narrative of Domesticity” Storytelling: A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative. 6 (2) 99-107. Print.

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