Self / censorship and blogging discussion at 2013 Feminisms and Rhetorics conference @ Stanford U
Jaque and I are waiting in the San Francisco Airport to catch our flight back to Winnipeg. We’re feeling inspired by the co-presenters and feminists we met in the audience of our session “Birthing Rhetoric, Mommy Blogs and What Mommies Want” with Lori Beth De Hertogh (Washington State U) and Dawn Opel (Arizona State U). Our discussion about the surveillance and censorship experienced when posting on line (whether on Face Book or on Blogs) drew discussion and analysis about the differences between self-censorship (which we all practice on a daily basis of what we tell to whom and under what conditions) and being censored by employers, government, business, and corporations (censorship by Face Book was the focus of discussion around the Birthing Without Fear online Community). We questioned the role of responsibility that authors have/should have in being aware of what they are posting. We reflected upon the permanence of posts once uploaded to the internet and the long-term repercus...