Limited Personal Privacy Advice for Prospective Bloggers

In “Open Letter to New Mom Bloggers: The 9 Reasons Why You’re Failing” author Candis Lynn Hidalgo gauges the number of mom bloggers in North America at 4 million and goes on to offer advice to those who may be struggling to get their voice heard and their blog monetized within this massive crowd (although I suspect this number may refer to moms blogging in general rather than solely parenting focused blogs). Mommy blogging has become so popular that there are now entire blogs, articles, online courses and even books devoted to how to be successful at it and what steps to take when getting started. I thought I would scour the internet and see what kind of advice people are giving to prospective mommy bloggers and how (or if) they address issues of privacy and ethical sharing practices. Focusing on freely accessible online articles and posts, the guides I found concentrated overwhelmingly on the business side o...